Sunday, July 25, 2010


Driving is the main subject of my pet peeves. It drives me crazy when people honk, that is a major source of my irritation. Especially in areas like Mexico City, people are honking all the time, and pedestrians have to run for their lives to cross the street.
Another thing that irritates me about how people drive is how closely they follow, dangerously close, trying to kiss the bumper.
I also hate it when people drive with their high beams on at night, blinding me temporarily, over and over again. People who drive too slowly, test my patience to the opposite extreme. I could continue for hours listing many more minor irritations that afflict me, but I'll stop here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you found time to write this! I can't imagine driving in Mexico City -- it must be really insane; even worse than I-5. Your metaphor of "kiss the bumper" is great!
    Good writing!
