Sunday, July 25, 2010

La Llorona

La Llorona (The Waling Woman) Who was la Llorona, and why does she cry? It was a long, long time ago in the epoch of the Conquistadores when there was a native woman who fell in love with a Spanish gentleman. They began a life together and they had 3 children, but he never married her. Always giving her an excuse to avoid marriage.
After some time the man left her for a lady from Spain because it was more advantageous for him. When she discovered his betrayal she lost her mind and drowned their three children in the river for revenge. After she realized what she'd done she also killed herself, and since then her ghost has wandered restlessly without peace and people can hear her screaming and wailing at night grieving for her children.
Sometimes people see her near the rivers, or they feel a shadow passing over them. So when I was a child my mother warned me if I misbehaved La Llorona would come and take me away with her.

1 comment:

  1. LIke so many folktales, this is so eerie....and used to keep kids in line.
    Good writing, Sergio. You might add "He was always giving...."
